Auxiliary Nursing Assistant & Midwifery is a diploma course of 1-year and 2- years duration. ANAM (Auxiliary Nursing Assistant and Midwifery) is a diploma course primarily deals with the health care sectors, provide knowledge about taking care of various equipments, maintaining records and also administering timely medication to patients. ANAM also focuses on providing basic medical skills to provide medical assistance to the doctors or more experienced nurses and aspirant desiring to pursue this course need to have patience should be alert be physically fit and have the responsibility. ANAM has good career scope as well and has multiple job opportunity in various area including NGO’s, Government hospital, Nursing home, Private hospital etc. After completing this course majority of the students have migrated to UK, Canada, Australia and other European countries and they work as care givers in various fields. The certificate is issued by WHRDE and Jainx University
The duration of Diploma course is of 1 & 2 year and the certificate course is of 3 & 6 MonthsThe students are equipped to work in a hospital, home or old age home environment and provide care to the elderly and aged patients ( in assisted living facilities) settings, rehabilitation facilities or otherwise, in hospitals and houses as well. The students develop an appropriate aptitude and skills for working with older people. We will set forth a cadet of frontline skilled, trained personnel who provide a comprehensive and skilled approach based on various aspect relating to Geriatrics Care.. Diploma certificate is issued by WHRDE and the certificate course is issued by the Centre itself.
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic treatment that employs five major therapeutic procedures to restore your body’s balance. It revives the irregularities between the three Doshas, strengthens the immune system, regulates digestion and eliminates excessive ama (accumulated toxins) for a total detox. Panchakarma is a purification process of the mind-body system. Using various bodywork techniques, client-customized oils and special diets, Panchakarma therapies are customized for individuals based on their unique constitution and health conditions. This program enables Ayurvedic students of all levels the opportunity to learn the traditional Panchakarma philosophy and methodologies. Panchakarma’s healing results are often deeper and longer-lasting, thus leading to increased client satisfaction and eventually lowering healthcare costs. Ayurvedic students and health professionals from all backgrounds have a unique opportunity in this day and age to assist family, friends and clients in targeting the root cause of their illness, leading to more balanced, fulfilling and wholesome lives.